
Inside Out May 2019 News

Empowering you to turn your dreams inside OUT into Reality

Many start the year off strong, full of optimism and hope for big change or for huge progress towards achieving their goals.  Oftentimes, things get in the way such as unexpected events or adversity.   When situations show up in your life, they may slow down progress, but it’s essential to keep moving in the direction towards your desired goals.  Sometimes however, the most challenging thing is to keep the right attitude that engages our will-power and to NOT quit.  Winners never quit, and quitters never win” – Napoleon Hill – Think & Grow Rich

How are things looking for you now that we are in the fifth month of the year?  Are you still hopeful and optimistic in attaining desired results or are you struggling to stay focused?  Are you still on track taking some form of action daily or at least weekly to get what you say you want?  If not, it’s time to re-engage your will. 

The number five represents grace.  Webster’s definition of grace is unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification.  My personal definition of grace is to receive divine help to do or to complete a task with less effort or struggle.  With grace and an engaged will-power, you can do anything.  If you are struggling on doing what it takes to meet your goals, then you need grace.  Pray for divine strength to get things done.

One of the secrets to engaging will-power is to have an attitude of gratitude, even in the midst of your minor to major circumstances.  Let Gratitude be Your Attitude!  

Gratitude helps us to look for the positive in every situation, while grace will help us to maximize the moment.

Here are a few tips on how to cultivate an attitude of gratitude:

  1. Give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something better and more rewarding than your current situation
  2. In the midst of disappointment, look from a different perspective to find the good or a benefit
  3. Write down a list of things that fills your heart with thankfulness and gratitude.  “I am thankful and grateful for: …”
  4. Read aloud your list for the daily until you feel stronger emotionally and your positive attitude is reinforced 
  5. Be mindful to take care of the things or opportunities you receive.  Gratitude can be shown by taking good care of what has been given to you. It shows that you truly value it. For instance, if you have been granted a scholarship to study in college, then you must give your best to excel in your studies.

Resource of the Month

New – for you: Make Over My Body to WOW Program – Less than $45/wk for 12 Weeks


Inspiration Station

Food & Fitness Tummy Taming Tip of the Month

Green Tea:  Based on a study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise shows that drinking green tea can rev up your metabolism and burn calories. The compound ECGC in the tea makes it easier to burn fat.

Inspiration to reach your health and fitness goals:  

Click here to read the details of my challenge and success in trimming my tummy over a short period of time.

Our 2019 Connection

Monthly Newsletters & Quarterly Inside Out Empowerment Calls

2019 Quarterly Inside Out Empowerment Call Schedule:
1st Quarter – Thursday, March 21st – 9pm EST
2nd Quarter – Thursday, June 27th – 9pm EST
3rd Quarter – Thursday, September 26th – 9pm EST
4th Quarter – Thursday, December 19th – 9pm EST

Join the Live Calls on Broadcast Line – (478) 250-9799

Follow me on facebook.com/mindyourvision and sign up for my monthly newsletter at mooreofrachel.com

Inspired to Inspire You,

Rachel Moore

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