
This is Your Moment!

Let’s Intentionally RESET Your Mindset within   21 Days of Focus, Clarity, & Action

Every small Win adds up to One BIG WIN!  Each Day you Win as You Complete the Daily Challenge.  I’ll Be Your Guide…

Be the Spark That Lights Up The Room

To empower women to make a positive impact on the world with fiery passion, unbridled self-belief, and head-turning style.


What are you doing to nuture your mind?


While we often prioritize nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods and maintaining physical fitness, our minds are often left exposed to the ever-shifting tides of news and social media trends.

This challenge is not just about fortifying your mental resilience in the face of life’s challenges and obstacles but also about identifying and dismantling any mental barriers you may encounter. It’s a journey towards enhancing your inner drive. Cultivating the right mindset is the key to achieving your goals and soaring above adversity, making every day of the year a chance for greatness.

The 21-Day “Mindset Makeover” Challenge is designed to assist and guide you on your own transformation journey. Are you ready to take on the challenge?  Let’s Go!

Questions & Answers:

Is this 21-Day Mindset Makeover Challenge for me?

A mindset makeover is often necessary when any of the  challenges listed below become persistent and significantly impact one’s ability to lead a fulfilling and successful life. It involves changing thought patterns, beliefs, and attitudes to adopt a more positive and growth-oriented mindset. This process may involve self-reflection, goal-setting, self-compassion, and seeking support from a coach or therapist.


  • Negative Self-Talk: Continuous self-criticism, self-doubt, and a pessimistic outlook can hinder personal growth and success.
  • Limiting Beliefs: Deep-seated beliefs that one is not capable, not deserving of success, or inherently flawed can create self-imposed barriers.
  • Fear of Failure: The fear of making mistakes or failing can paralyze individuals and prevent them from taking necessary risks.
  • Procrastination: Chronic procrastination can impede progress and prevent individuals from achieving their goals.
  • Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can lead to anxiety, as individuals often set unattainable standards for themselves.
  • Imposter Syndrome: Feeling like a fraud or fearing that one will be exposed as unqualified can undermine self-confidence.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Excessive stress and anxiety can disrupt cognitive function, making it difficult to think clearly and make sound decisions.
  • Rigidity: A resistance to change or a fixed mindset can limit adaptability and hinder personal and professional growth.
  • Lack of Resilience: Difficulty in bouncing back from setbacks can lead to a negative mindset and avoidance of challenges.
  • Negative Comparisons: Constantly comparing oneself to others can result in feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
  • Lack of Gratitude: Focusing on what’s lacking rather than what one has can lead to a negative and unsatisfied mindset.
  • Lack of Direction: Not having clear goals or a sense of purpose can leave individuals feeling lost and unfulfilled.
  • Victim Mentality: Blaming external factors for one’s circumstances rather than taking responsibility for one’s choices and actions can hinder personal growth.
What should I expect in this challenge?

You should expect to strengthen your mind and will power as you progress through each day of the challenge.


 You have the power within to give yourself a mental reset.  I will coach you through the process in 21-Day Mindset Makeover Challenge. Through this Self-Study Course, for 21 Days I coach you through each daily focus.


This Challenge will not only help you nurture your mind to keep it strong in the midst of challenges, hurdles, and obstacles, but it will help you identify any mental blocks that you may be experiencing. It will also help to increase your inner motivation. Having the right mindset can help you reach the goals that you set out to accomplish. You can soar high in the midst of adversity and make your life GREAT any time of the year!

How will I receive each daily challenge?

Each day of the 21-Day Challenge, in your email, you will receive coaching lesson: a written lesson or link to access a lesson online.  If the lesson includes a video or audio, it will be brief.  They will all be much shorter than this introduction video.  Be sure to complete it daily challenge and review each because one build upon the next.

Your time required will be brief, but expect impactful results.

It is important to complete the lesson and challenge before progressing to the next one.

When will I receive the first lesson / challenge?

You will receive the first lesson within your email inbox immediately after you submit the form located in the checkout.  Then, each day you will receive a lesson until the 21-Day period is completed. 


Be sure to verify that your email is typed correctly because each lesson with details will be sent to your inbox each day.

Life Coach Rachel Moore

Love Your Soul

Since 2010, I have been dedicated to helping individuals reshape their outlook on life’s challenges. Through a combination of coaching, visioning workshops, small group studies, intimate home gatherings, and motivating empowerment calls, my mission is to kindle the aspirations of others, enabling them to pursue their dreams and ambitions. My goal is to inform, inspire, influence, and spark individuals into taking meaningful actions to manifest a life filled with passion, purpose, abundance, freedom, and success.

And now — my 21-Day Mindset Makeover Challenge has benefited  hundreds of clients.  Love your Soul by embracing the whole (mind, will, and emotions)….

This condensed wellspring of inspiration eagerly awaits your choice to begin today and steadfastly follow through with each daily challenge. Simplicity paves the way for nurturing healthy habits and reaping positive results.

I aspire for this 21-Day program to instill in you a sense of motivation, a positive perspective, and the energy needed to actively pursue and achieve your goals.

I wanted to increase my inner motivation and remove mental obstacles that would sideline me from moving forward. I was able to overcome mental roadblocks while working through this 21-Day Challenge. I got what I wanted and some unexpected surprises. I was able to get my Dream Job and that’s a Life Changer for me.

– Genia California

As an entrepreneur, I face daily challenges in growing my business; the biggest challenge all entrepreneurs face is doubt, fear, and discouragement.

Coach Rachel provides support for every challenge, through the simple, step-by-step in the daily lessons.  

– Diane – Newport Beach

Thank you so much for inviting me to join the 21-Day Mindset Makeover Challenge! By day 13, I really started to focus on what I wanted and amazingly, I got my Dream Job on Day 22!

Certified Career Counselor in Georgia 

is this course for you?

21 Day Mindset Makeover

You’ve reached a point where you recognize the need for a change in your life. The constant struggle with inner conflicts and self-doubt due to unmet expectations has left you weary. 

Regardless of where you currently stand, if you yearn for greater fulfillment of your desires, dreams, and life goals, the 21 Day Mindset Makeover Challenge is tailored for you. Your mindset might be the key barrier between you and the realization of your dreams.  I want you to feel safe in this moment and know that you can influence your outcomes,  Join the challenge now.

Hey, this could be the very push you needed. It's your time to shine!

21-Day MinDset Makeover


You are here,  You are on the right path.  The first step in reframing your thoughts for desirable outcomes is self-awareness.  

During this mindset makeover challenge, you will recognize and understand your current thought patterns, acknowledging any negative or unhelpful thoughts.

This awareness lays the foundation for intentional and necessary positive change.


Other steps will unfold as you progress through each lesson.  

When life takes an unexpected turn, veer towards helpful resources that guide you on the path to realizing your hopes and dreams.