July News – Look-In for Your Second Wind
Inside Out Empowerment
Empowering you to turn your dreams inside OUT into Reality
On Monday, August 21st we experienced 95% of a Total Eclipse in the
middle Georgia area . It was amazing to see how much sunshine / sunlight is actually emitted by only 5% of the sun when it was covered by the moon. I was reminded of something that I tell myself and carry in my heart every day, which is to remember to carry your sunshine with you in your heart, your smile, your attitude, and actions regardless of the weather outside. Even when things or situations come to block your sunshine, keep shining because even your 5% will be a light to someone around you; so, Let Your Light Shine!
How an Eclipse Affects Your Soul Shine
The eclipse of the moon covering the sun is a perfect example of what happens when something cast a shadow or covers the things that make your soul shine. When your mind and emotions are filled with hope and anticipation, your soul shines bright. While on the other hand, doubt or fear which is the two biggest sunshine busters, will cast a shadow over your heart and soul. When this happens, your mood and attitude can transition from warm to cool to the point others can see or sense the difference. For future reference, whenever your soul feels sad or down cast instead of feeling happy, you can now recognize it as a soul eclipse.
Three Tips to Overcome a Soul Eclipse:
1. Sing – whenever my mood change to cool or my emotions become troubled, I usually begin to sing a song to encourage my soul. Singing can help stabilize your emotions and cause feelings of joy to return.
2. Single out the Culprit – take a quick assessment of your most recent thoughts. What were you thinking about before you started to feel down or before your mood changed? Ask your-self how can you change your perspective about what your where thinking or concerned about; then refocus your thoughts on a better alternative.
3. Set and Reset – set your heart on the promise or on a goal and reset your focus on the things that you can control to make your life better and to make progress towards your goal.
Resource of the Month
New Book Release
“Manager Mom: Mind Your Vision” – Transforming Your Life Inside Out
Manager Mom Mind Your Vision Book | Moore of Rachel, Inc.
2. You’ve got to loose control to get control
3. You’ve got to take appropriate action to get where you want to go
Inspiration Station
What area of your life do you need a breakthrough? “When you are tempted to give up, your breakthrough is probably just around the corner.”
The ball is in your court. Get the scoop on how to follow-through to get your breakthrough!
Listen to “Follow-Through to Break-Through” Episodes of Part 1 and Part 2 on the Podcast or on WomensRadio.com:
PODCAST are available for free on iTunes or from any Podcast App. Search for “Inside Out Empowerment with Rachel Moore”
Our 2017 Connection
Quarterly Inside Out Empowerment Calls
Quarterly 2017 Inside Out Empowerment Call Schedule:
1st Quarter – Tuesday, March 28th – 9pm EST
2nd Quarter – Tuesday, June 27th – 9pm EST
3rd Quarter – Tuesday, September 26th – 9pm EST
4th Quarter – Tuesday, December 19th – 9pm EST
Join the Live Calls on Broadcast Line – (478) 250-9799
This year, my plan is to connect with you at least once a month via newsletter, my blog and/or on Facebook.com/mindyourvision. The monthly newsletters will be to provide a brief update on the happenings in my life and business, and to provide you with recommended resources. Important tips and teachings will be listed within the Inspiration Station section of the newsletters to assist you in reaching your life matrix goals this year.
I plan to host only one Empowerment Call per Quarter, unless the need arise to have additional calls under special circumstances.
Inspired to Inspire You,
Rachel Moore