June News! – Believe and Doubt Not![]()
Inside Out Empowerment
Empowering you to turn your dreams inside OUT into Reality
It always amazes me how things just show up out of seemingly nowhere to reaffirm your cause, your mission, or your purpose. While finishing up a meal at a Japanese restaurant on Father’s Day with my family, the waitress placed a plate of fortune cookies on our table. Each person took a fortune cookie from the plate. When there was only one left I picked it up, broke it open, and pulled out the slip of paper. “He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak” were the words written in blue ink. This small quote was a strong affirmation towards the foundation of my teachings regarding transforming your dreams and goals into reality. Those things that we envision for our lives or those things that our heart long to manifest in our lives will only come about if we believe that it’s possible. Faith only works for he who believes. So, I encourage you to engrave the following words into your mind: “faith works when you work it,” “block doubt out,” and “believe and not doubt.”
As I write this newsletter, my twin sons who graduated from high school on May 27th are in Alaska living out one of their dreams. During our family visioning day back in January, they both voiced their desire to travel to Alaska with a couple of friends as their high school senior trip. At first, my thoughts were “I haven’t even been to Alaska, you all must be kidding!” and “That’s an expensive request.” But, I had to immediately shift my thoughts to agree with them. After all, it was me who taught them to dream BIG. Now I had to dream big with them and for them. I couldn’t allow any doubts to get in their way. Regardless of all the other expenses that came along with them being seniors in high school and the cost for college that shortly followed, we had to believe that their Alaska trip would manifest. We made Alaska a big focus on our Family Tote-a-Vision (TAV) Vision Board this year, which is shown below, and they each place images and word Alaska on their personal TAV vision boards. Their dream trip to Alaska became a reality, and they will have those moments to cherish forever. Lastly, to top everything off, starting this fall the twins will be attending the college of their dreams.
Family 2017 TAV Vision Board
Jamicah’s 2017 TAV Vision Board
Jeremy’s 2017 TAV Vision Board
When your belief is strong, you fuel the manifestation of your IT into reality. When your belief is strong, you fuel the possibilities. But, doubt weakens your results. Doubt saps your strength, drains your energy, and causes you to give up before your big win. Doubt will sabotage your dreams from becoming a reality.
Do you desire to manifest more of your dreams or dream life into reality? If doubt often gets the best of your dreams becoming a reality, join me for my 2nd Quarter Inside Out Empowerment Call on Tuesday, June 27th at 9pm EST. I will be broadcasting Live on Facebook and from 478-250-9799. I will be teaching “Ways to Prevail over Doubt.”
Resource of the Month
“Manifest More of My Dreams”
Audio Course
Inspiration Station
Listen in as Rachel Moore and her guest Dr. Herbert Harris, an Author and Success Teacher as they discuss “The Laws of Success.”
Dr. Harris has a workbook on Achievement Motivation, designed to help one achieve their true potential. Success is more of a science than an art. There are many success formulas to help you succeed on any level at whatever you choose to aspire to be, do, or have. This is a good opportunity to get new strategies to reach your life goals.
Listen to “The Laws of Success” Episodes of Part 1 and Part 2 on the Podcast or on WomensRadio.com:
PODCAST are available for free on iTunes or from any Podcast App. Search for “Inside Out Empowerment with Rachel Moore”
Our 2017 Connection
Quarterly Inside Out Empowerment Calls
Quarterly 2017 Inside Out Empowerment Call Schedule:
This year, my plan is to connect with you at least once a month via newsletter, my blog and/or on Facebook.com/mindyourvision. The monthly newsletters will be to provide a brief update on the happenings in my life and business, and to provide you with recommended resources. Important tips and teachings will be listed within the Inspiration Station section of the newsletters to assist you in reaching your life matrix goals this year.
I plan to host only one Empowerment Call per Quarter, unless the need arise to have additional calls under special circumstances.
Inspired to Inspire You,
Rachel Moore