Character Pillar 7: Honesty & Truth
“Choose Honesty”
Honesty is one of those virtues that proceeds a person’s character, just like it’s close cousin, Integrity. Honesty leans more towards being truthful, whereas integrity is more about showing up on a consistent basis. This lesson challenges your kids to demonstrate honesty.
Activity – Truth or Dare Game
How to Play Truth or Dare?
Truth or Dare is a game that can be adapted to fit any group of people. For the At-Home Summer Camp, the game is befitting for everyone in your family can play along, Here is a brief overview of the rules for the family-style game:
- The youngest player starts off first by choosing a player to ask “truth or dare?”
- If “truth” is chosen, the player comes up with a question that they want to know about the other player and the other player must answer honestly.
- If “dare” is chosen, the player must “dare” the person to do something silly, hard, or just out of the ordinary.
- If the player chooses not to answer “truth” honestly or refuses to do a dare, they must suffer a “consequence” which can be an alternative action chosen at the beginning of the game. Examples include holding your breath for 20 seconds, standing on your head for 20 seconds, or eating a raw vegetable.
- Continue with the next player until everyone has had at least 1 turn. Obviously, the longer the game, the more fun you and your family will have!
It’s meant to be fun and light-hearted, a time to create happy memories and fill your day with fun and laughter.
Truth Questions for Kids and Parents
- When was the last time you cleaned your room?
- Is there a mess under your bed?
- Is there a mess in your closet?
- Have you ever snuck a snack?
- Have you ever said you finished your dinner when you really didn’t?
- Have you ever cheated on a test?
- Have you had your first kiss?
- Do you have a crush on anyone?
- What would you do with $1,000?
- If you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?
- Have you ever faked sickness to stay home from school?
- Have you ever used your lunch money for something other than lunch?
- Have you ever watched a movie or TV show that you know you’re not allowed?
- What are some ways you cheat on chores?
- What is the least favorite gift you’ve ever received?
- Are you afraid of the dark?
- Do you have any secrets?
- Do you keep a diary/journal?
- Is there anything that you would change about yourself?
- What is your biggest fear?
- Have you ever skipped school?
- What is your worst habit?
- Have you ever lied about your age?
- Have you ever lied to me?
- Do you bite your nails
Dare Statements for Kids & Parents
I Dare You To…
- Crack an egg over your head.
- Attempt to do 10 pushups.
- Eat a plate of (dinner, dessert, whatever) with no hands.
- Crabwalk across the room.
- Army crawl across the room.
- Stand on your hands.
- Fetch (an item of choice in another room) with a blindfold on.
- Eat a spoonful of sugar.
- Eat a spoonful of hot sauce.
- Suck on a lemon.
- Do your best Buzz Lightyear impression.
- Do your best Mickey Mouse impression.
- Do your best lion roar.
- Do your best Batman impression.
- Do your best Disney princess impression.
- Attempt a cartwheel.
- Make up a poem aloud.
- Dump a cup of ice water over your head.
- Prank call Grandma.
- Attempt to slip on a banana peel (or pretend to).
- Make a really silly face and take a selfie.
- Draw a picture of (you pick) while blindfolded.
- Take off your socks with a pair of tongs.
- Run around the outside of the house three times.
- Act like a cat.
Get a long list of fun questions and dares here.