
“Entrepreneur Biz Showcase & Holiday Blowout” a Small Business Saturday Promotion

Shop Small MORI Partners Newsletter Banner

Click link to view Newsletter:  Shop Small Showcase News

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Who Should Partner:

If you classify yourself as any of the following, you fit the Biz Showcase criteria:

Entrepreneur, Small Business owner, Network Marketer or MLM business, Information Marketer, Crafter, Business Coach, Life Coach, Health & Fitness Coach, Realtor, Investor, Photographer, or others who want to benefit from promoting their business, products, or services during the Hottest Sales Day for Small Businesses, on Small Business Saturday. The company, American Express is the sponsor of Small Business Saturday and encourages shoppers to Shop Small with their Small Business merchants.

How to Partner:

Moore of Rachel, Inc will showcase each partner within a special Small Business Saturday Sales Promotion.  To secure your placement in the “Entrepreneur Biz  Showcase” Advertisement, you can purchase one of the three different Sales Ad available.

Moore of Rachel, Inc (MORI)/ Mind Your Vision, an official business American Express Small Business, is showcasing Entrepreneur’s business, products, or services.

Purchase an Ad to Signup.  Submit your Ad content and images before Friday, November 20th.  During checkout, use Coupon Code ShopSmall50 for a $50 discount.  (Coupon is valid for the first 50 partners)

$250 for the 1/4 page Ad – promote your business and your most popular product or service. Add contact information

 $250 Ad (with coupon code – $200)

$500 for the 1/2 page AD – more space to promote your business and your most popular product or service, with a hyper link to your website.

  $500 Ad   24 Hour Ad Close-out Sale – $250 Ad

$1000 for the Full page AD – more space to promote your business and your most popular products or services, with a hyper link to your website or to multiple pages on your website, that navigates shoppers directly to your products or special offer page. Plus receive your AD design to post on your website and on social media.

  $1000 Ad (with coupon code – $950)


American Express announces 2014 Shop Small Results:

“88 million people showed up to Shop Small on Small Business Saturday”

Social Media Marketing:

MORI and Biz Partners will use the marketing materials provided by American Express to promote the Small Business Saturday event over their Social Media platforms.  Partners will be provided the following:

  • Digital Shop Small images for Facebook and Twitter posting
  • Shop Small Selfie instructions to engage your friends and fans to Shop Small.

Engage your friends and fans.  Ask them to share your post and link to our Partner’s Ads page with their friends and family.  Ask them to Shop Small with you on our Entrepreneur Biz  Showcase & Holiday Blowout.

The link to send people to Shop on Small Business Saturday is


There they will find your Ad promotion and other Unique Products & Services.