
Facebook Ad Image_Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday, created to support holiday sales for small businesses, is today, November 28. Show your love and ‪#‎shopsmall‬ online today with my business, Moore of Rachel, Inc (featuring Mr. Zippy Baby Bibs & Tote-a-Vision – Portable Dream Boards) and several other partnering businesses.

We’re offering unique gifts, products, and services including gourmet coffee and tea, wearable technology, beauty and bath items, custom full body baby bibs, inspirational t-shirts, books, sophisticated hosiery, goal setting & success tools, weight management and natural health products, art pieces, photography, multi-media services, and more. To view our products visit http://mooreofrachel.com/small-business-saturday-specials/ then click on each ad to shop for the items it offers.

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