
Welcome to Day 6 of your 21-Day Challenge

Lesson 6:  Affirm


Affirm the you that you were created to be.  Oftentimes we look to others to affirm us, encourage us, and make us feel important or special.  But what about those times when there is no one around to emotionally support you?  In this lesson, you will affirm and encourage yourself with words and phrases that uplift your spirit.

We will call these encouraging phrases or statements “Personal Affirmations.”  In order to continue down a path to achieve any goal or to attain any of our hopes and dreams, you will need emotional support and encouragement.  Formulate positive affirmations that reinforce your goals.

Write down each affirmation in the present tense as if you had already achieved it. Read aloud and command by decree each affirmation often, either from your written list or from memory.   Reading aloud and decreeing allows you to hear positive words.   The more you speak it, the more you will believe it to be true.

As your mind registers those repeated words, certain emotions become associated with the words and your inner belief system experiences a paradigm shift.   You emotionally and wholeheartedly begin to believe in those spoken affirmations.  Filter words and opinions of others through your list of affirmations to eliminate the negative.  Positive affirmations help keep your mental focus strong.

Personal Affirmations are affirming statements that align and support our desires or goals in different areas of our lives. 

Here are 20 Affirmations that I wrote that you could use to Attain Your Hopes and Dreams. Each statement starts with the word “I”

Affirming Statements

Assignment: Write a list of affirming statements about who you were created to be and desire to become.  Some things you may already be doing, write them down if it encourages or affirms the behavior, actions, or results that desire to experience. Once you are done writing them, read them aloud to continue activating your faith.

If you are spiritual, be sure to incorporate scriptures that affirm you as well.

Each statement should start with the word “I” to personalize it, such as the following.

  1. I am beautiful and friendly
  2. I am smart and follow divine wisdom
  3. I am a winner and have a winning attitude
  4. I am thankful and hopeful
  5. I think positive thoughts and stay focused on positive things to keep a healthy mind
  6. I eat fruits and vegetables to keep my body healthy
  7. I exercise to discipline my body and keep it fit and in shape
  8. I stretch my body to stay flexible
  9. I study the bible for spiritual growth
  10. I pray for spiritual connection
  11. I walk by faith and not by what I see with my physical eyes
  12. I read to expand my knowledge
  13. I am in agreement with God and believe that all things work in my favor
  14. I am wealthy and live a life of abundance
  15. I am kind to myself and others
  16. I live life with purpose on purpose daily
  17. I believe in possibilities even in the midst of uncertainty
  18. I exercise my faith muscle daily
  19. I encircle myself with positive-minded people
  20. I am responsible and work to achieve my goals daily