Welcome to Day 4 of your 21-Day Challenge
Lesson 4: Abort the Negative
Abort the Negative:
Negative thoughts, negative conversations, and negative news can consume your life. They have no boundaries. Therefore, you have to stop them in their tracks. You must abort the negative.
To abort means to bring to a premature end because of a problem or fault. Negative thinking is problematic and is the root of many problems that develop over time in our lives. For example, there is medical proof that a person who is perfectly well physically, can think themselves into a sickness. They actually believe in their minds that they are sick, then the symptoms develop in their body. Have your thoughts caused you problems?
Negative thoughts, negative conversations, and negative news can consume your life, if you allow them in your space. What are you allowing to fill your space?
The key word here is “allow.” Once you become aware, you now have the choice to either Allow or Abort those negative thoughts, negative conversations, or negative communications in the media from playing such a BIG part in your life.
Assignment: Speak aloud the following statements.
- Now that I am aware of my repetitive negative thoughts, I will no longer allow them to consume my mind.
- I choose to abort negativity from having a dominant place in my mind.
- I am excited about welcoming new positive, supporting thoughts daily.