
Welcome to Day 2 of your 21-Day Challenge

Lesson 2:  Activate Your Faith

Activate your faith

Activate your faith – believe that this process will work for you and that you will experience positive change in your way of thinking and as a result, you will see positive change in your life.

Believe + Action = Faith

This lesson is intended to pull you out of your comfort zone and into the Faith Zone.  To build upon Day 1s lesson regarding the mind, will, and emotions; faith is initiated or activated within your mind.  You must activate faith through your thoughts.

Faith is something that must be applied daily.  It is dynamic and not static. Faith is the opposite of Unbelief and doubt. 

When so many things stack up against you and suppress hope for the things that you want, it is natural to have doubt and uncertainty.  You may feel in your heart that it will never happen.  Face your unbelief with truth and say, “Help My Unbelief.” 

Combine Lesson 1 & 2: Make A Decision to Activate your faith by believing that this 21-day mindset makeover process will work for you.

Assignment: Speak aloud the statements below.

  1. I have made a decision to activate my faith to believe that this mindset makeover process is working for me.
  2. My faith is activated whenever I think about the possibilities hoped for in my life’
  3. I am hopeful.