
Welcome to Day 16 of your 21-Day Challenge

Lesson 16:  Aromatize Your Space

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Lesson 16:  Aromatize Your Space

Aromatize your space with scents to relax your mind.  Lavender is most commonly used in aromatherapy. The fragrance from the oils of the lavender plant is believed to help promote calmness and wellness.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, “lavender is traditionally alleged to have a variety of therapeutic and curative properties, ranging from inducing relaxation to treating parasitic infections, burns, insect bites, and spasm. There is growing evidence suggesting that lavender oil may be an effective medicament in treatment of several neurological disorders.

Get ready to air out your mind and body from stress.

Aromatize Your Space with Lavender


Create a “calm space” in your home. If you don’t already own one, purchase an essential oil diffuser. Purchase lavender oil and others to use to aromatize your space. 

I have pre-select a few items for you to try. If you purchase using my links below, you are helping me out as an Amazon Affiliate. I have an essential oil diffuser in my bedroom and in my office space.

Choose the atmosphere you want to create, then create it!

Lavender Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser & Oil Kit