
Welcome to Day 11 of your 21-Day Challenge

Lesson 11:  Acknowledge


Lesson 11: Acknowledge and Release

Acknowledge your doubt, fears, and insecurities.  Doubt doesn’t just go away.  You must be aware of and acknowledge your feelings.  Your feelings are the Emotional realm of your Soul.  Your feelings are influenced by your thoughts. In today’s lesson, we will focus on your feelings and help you to acknowledge and release any that could hinder your progress.

Our thoughts are influenced by what we see and hear. Those negative influences can trigger feelings of doubt and fear.  But don’t be down on yourself, just acknowledge that you feel a certain way, release them, and move on.  If you fall into a slump of pity or depression, you can use some of the methods that we have reviewed to bring yourself out. 

How are you feeling today?

75% – Seventy-five percent of whatever we’re trying to accomplish is based on three things:

  • Thoughts (25 percent)
  • Words (25 percent)
  • Feelings (25 percent)


Think back to an experience that caused emotional trauma for you.  Is that experience still holding you captive?  While you are reflecting, if those feelings begin to surface, try to release them with the following statement.

I acknowledge feelings about __________ (you fill in the blank). Now, I choose to release the past and to embrace the new wonderful experiences that await me.