Face Mask with Filter Pocket & Nose Wire
What Face Mask is Best?
Moore of Rachel Face Mask:
Protect yourself and your loved ones from the COVID-19 virus.

Other Custom Sports Team Face Mask Available by Request – Send an Email to (mooreofrachel3@gmail.com) or Facebook Messenger (facebook.com/mooreofrachel)
A Note Before You Buy: After making your selection from the Buy Now Button, Select the PayPal Option during Checkout. If you want to use a credit or debit card, I can take your card information over the phone using my Square. Send me an email at mooreofrachel3@gmail.com. The CashApp option is listed below.

The Moore of Rachel Face Mask with Filter Pocket & Nose Wire is:
- Made of 100% cotton fabric
- Features thin elastic loops that fit comfortably around the ear
- Available in various prints
- Comes individually sealed
- Washed with Care & Ready to Wear
- Only $10 each
Looking for a safe face mask to wear in the workplace or when you need to go out in public? This mask has no loose ties or ends to get entangled as you move around. My face mask fits snuggly around the face and stays in place. The face mask also has nose wire that easily adjusts to fit comfortably around the nose.

HOW CAN I GET my Face Mask with Filter Pocket & Nose Wire?
Two Ways to Buy:
- Use Card – Select the “Buy” button shown above
- Use Cash-App
Buy Face Mask Using Cash-App
Send payment through Cash-App to $mooreofrachel. Include your name, phone number, and the number of face masks you want. You will receive a call to schedule delivery or pick-up (for locals to Macon, GA). Others who want items mailed, please add (0.80 cents per face mask ordered) to your total to cover S&H and provide a mailing address.
Wear & Care Tips:

Recommended Filter to Insert in Filter Pocket: Based on a recent filter study done by Cambridge University Researchers, paper towel ranked in the Top 5 breathable materials to filter small-sized (0.3 microns or less) particles.
How to Wear Face Mask with Filter Pocket and Nose Wire:
1. Insert a small square piece of a paper towel into the filter pocket opening located on the backside of the mask just beneath the nose wire.
2. Place elastic loops around each ear. 3. Place the filter pocket side next against your face.
4. Pinch and adjust the nose wire to fit comfortably around your nose. The mask should fit close against your face.
Care Tips: Use laundry detergent to wash by hand or machine (gentle cycle). Be sure to remove the paper towel filter and discard it before washing the facemask.
Contamination Prevention: Use the elastic loops to remove the face mask, while only touching the outside surface of the mask, fold together and place inside of a small sandwich bag. Avoid touching the inside surface with your hands unless you have washed your hands.
Click Here to visit my new Etsy Shop to see all Facemask prints displayed
Watch DIY Video for Face Mask With Filter Pocket & Nose Wire
Scroll Down for Sewing & Safety Guide

Scroll Down for Sewing & Safety Guide
Sewing Community News
Are Face Masks with Filter Pocket & Nose Wire Washable?
Greetings, as an engineer, and seamstress, I started sewing face masks to help fill a need for co-workers who wanted them. As we all know, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a worldwide shortage of face masks and the sewing community has stepped up to the challenge. Face masks with filter pockets (holds mask filter) and nose wire are in high demand, but through my own safety and quality checks, I discovered a hazard concern if the nose wires are not properly secured. The video shown below shows the face mask assembly using two different types of stretch material for the earpieces. I have created free downloadable instructions that include safety and quality checks for anyone who is sewing a face mask with nose wire.

There is now a shortage of materials, such as elastic to construct face masks. The online sources have elastics back-ordered through the end of May. Tie options are being sewn and are helpful for the general population, but are not recommended in manufacturing facilities to avoid entanglement with moving equipment or interference with personal protective equipment. The downloadable instructions also provide other stretch material recommendations to use in place of elastic.
Download Free Guide with Safety Tips
Sample of Sewing Guide (1st sheet)

Face Mask Safety Tip
Unsecured nose wire will shift, scrunch up to one side, or even stick through the fabric. I discovered this safety hazard after sewing and washing my first batch of face mask. Now I’m is sharing to raise awareness for other seamstresses who are sewing face masks with nose wire.

Out of Elastic & Need Supplies?
Get Large Latex Bands to form Mask Loops
Black Bands (Cut in half to form 7″ strands for Mask Loops)
Neutral Bands (Cut in half to form 7″ strands for Mask Loops)
Resources to Help You Cope
COVID-19 pandemic has affected our world. Click here for current updates from CDC (Center for Disease Control). In addition to trying to protect ourselves from the virus, there are so many distractions and negative news competing for our attention. During these times of uncertainty, we all need something to help us to refocus our thoughts on positive things and on the things that matter for our families and personal lives. I recently published a new book, “Mind Your Vision – 2020 and Beyond.”

This book will assist you in bringing clarity, focus, and faith to multiple areas of your life. By creating a vision for your life, putting it on paper, and learning techniques to improve your thinking, you will learn how to transform your goals and dreams into reality.
In the heart and mind is where the conception of a dream begins. From conception, that dream must be nurtured by a positive mental and emotional environment. It requires focus, determination, and perseverance. Excuses and doubt can completely abort our dreams. But when you believe, anything can happen! As the author, my goal is to show you how to get results, even in the midst of undesirable circumstances.
To learn more about the book, visit www.mindyourvision.com
Sunday Snippets with Rachel
Enjoy listening to Inspiration. Watch “Sunday Snippets with Rachel” for 30 minutes Live on Facebook (@mooreofrachel) and Instagram (@mooreofrachelinc) at 4 pm EST. Over the next several weeks, I will share snippets from each chapter of my new book and tie it to current events. See past Snippets at www.mindyourvision.com/sunday-snippets